OPRO will not purchase merchandise or contract any services from manufacturers or suppliers who do not operate in accordance with ethical, acceptable conditions and working practices.
OPRO’s Code of Conduct will be periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and validity.
Any organization that wishes to enter into a contract with OPRO to supply or receive goods and services must comply with the Company’s Code of Conduct as outlined in this document. Any organization that subsequently enters into contracts for goods or services related to their relationship with OPRO must ensure that these also meet the conditions of our Code of Conduct.
1. OPRO Supports and Respects the Protection of International Human Rights
OPRO will only work with responsible, trustworthy suppliers and manufacturers whose conditions and working practices are ethical and acceptable in accordance with the principles set forth by the United Nations and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
2. Assurance of Non-Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
Suppliers must treat their employees with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subjected to physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal abuse or harassment.
3. Health, Safety, and Hygiene
Our suppliers must provide a safe working environment that complies with health, safety, and hygiene legislation. This requirement applies to employee accommodations and any other facilities provided to workers.
4. Wages and Benefits
Wages and benefits must not be set below the minimum required by local law or the prevailing industry standard—whichever is higher.
Employees must receive benefits and compensation for overtime in accordance with the most favorable applicable law or local industry standards.
5. Maximum Working Hours
The number of working hours must be reasonable and in compliance with local laws and industry standards. Employees working overtime must be compensated accordingly.
6. Protection of Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
OPRO’s suppliers must recognize and respect their employees' legal rights regarding freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Suppliers must not interfere with, penalize, or limit the legitimate efforts of workers to organize or join an association of their choice.
7. Elimination of All Forms of Forced or Compulsory Labor
We will not tolerate any employment of workers who do not voluntarily and knowingly give their direct consent. We strictly prohibit any form of forced labor, whether direct or indirect, by suppliers.
8. No Child Labor
We strictly prohibit the use of child labor by our suppliers or any subcontractors used by them.
9. Non-Discrimination
No individual shall be treated unfairly or unfavorably based on race, religion, sex, or other protected characteristics. Suppliers must hire workers based on their ability to perform the required job tasks and not on personal characteristics or beliefs.
10. Environmental Responsibility
Suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and uphold responsible environmental practices. They must demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and environmental protection.
11. Compliance with Laws
All suppliers must comply with local, national, and international laws applicable to their business operations. This includes compliance with all legal requirements governing any subcontracted companies supplying products and services to OPRO.
No form of corruption, bribery, or extortion will be tolerated.
12. Supervision and Compliance Audits
To ensure the effectiveness of this Code of Conduct, it must be shared and communicated throughout the entire organization. Suppliers must provide proof of compliance when required.
OPRO reserves the right to audit factories to ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct.